Since 1991
Why to Choose LINGDA?
  • 1991 
    The company was established in 1991.
  • 10000000
    The registered capital of The company is 10 million yuan.
  • 9001
    Has passed ISO9001-2008 quality system certification.
  • 10,000
    The company covers an area of 10000 square meters.
  • 6000
    Manufactured And Sale More Than 6000 Sets Of Tubular Strander [Model 100-630]​​​​​​​
  • 300 
    Our company has more than 300 domestic and foreign customers.

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Contact Person: Frank Xia
Fax: +86-86380807
Phone: +86-15190330805
Whatsapp: +86-15190330805
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